Bulletin Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 2023

Durand Trinity Church

Pastor - Matthew Johnson
25 Palm Lane, Warm Springs, GA 31830

We are so glad you have chosen to join us today as we worship the Lord together and have fellowship!

The House of God is such a special place to be. Trinity is united together with a spirit of peace and welcomes all people to come and meet Jesus. We invite you to join our family and grow closer to Jesus. If you are visiting this morning make yourself at home and know that Jesus loves you.

Please feel free to reach out to us:
Pastor Matthew Johnson
Kate Cain

Welcome to Durand Trinity Church

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

December 24, 2023

~* Bringing the Light of the Lord to the Altar

Words of Welcome and Opening Prayer
If this is your first time worshiping with us, please click here. You may also fill out a visitor card found in the back of the sanctuary and place it in the offering plate or give it to Kate Cain.

* Congregational Hymn#109
“Gentle Mary Laid Her Child”

Message: Pastor Matthew

* Lighting of the Candles and Closing Hymn  #89
"Silent Night!"

~ Please silence cell phones.  
* Please stand if you are able.  

If you desire to make Trinity your church home, please 
click here, or see Pastor Matthew.